Monday, July 8, 2019

You May Not See Me Tomorrow: A Bob Dylan Trivia Book

You May Not See Me Tomorrow: A Bob Dylan Trivia Book #bobdylan #trivia

Over 170 questions covering the following topics: Personal Albums Songwriting Tidbits of Songs Misc. Album Liner Notes Fun with Song/Poetry titles

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Windows Command Line 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide

Windows Command Line 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide

The following instructor guide is meant for one to review pertinent tips and tricks in regard to the Windows Command Line (WCL). WCL is the core bare-bones way to interact with a windows desktop or server.
Therefore, this guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via a demonstration format some cool tips that a general user who will be using WCL – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be used by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of WCL.
Core tips reviewed are:
Basic Commands
2.title /?
3.assoc .txt
Input and Output
5.cmd /c “ipconfig > ipconfig.txt”
6.dir | find “.txt”
7.netstat –a > netstat.txt
8.hostname & ipconfig & netstat –a > hin.txt
File System & Disk Administration
9.fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo c:
10.fsutil volume diskfree c:
11.driverquery /fo table
12.systeminfo | findstr “Total Physical Memory”
13.wmic memorychip list full
14.schtasks /query /fo table
15.tasklist /fi "memusage gt 10000"
Networking view /all /domain
17.getmac /fo table /v
18.netsh http show
19.netsh http show servicestate
20.nslookup –querytype=hinfo
System Performance
21.perfmon /res
22.tasklist /fi “Status eq running”
23.netstat –s –p tcp
24.wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey
25.dir /w | clip
28.doskey /history
29.wevtutil -ep query

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Linux IP and Netstats Commands

Some common ways to display core network items can be obtained by running these commands:

ip link show  - lists the network interfaces
ip addr show  - lists addresses for interfaces
ip route show - lists routing table
netstat -tupl - lists the Internet services on a system
netstat -tup  - lists the active connections to and from a system

Unix System Shutdown Commands

The common ways to shut down a Unix system properly via the command line is as such:

halt - takes system down right away
init 0 - powers off the system using system scripts
init 6 - reboots the system completely
poweroff - shuts down system by powering it off
reboot - reboots system
shutdown -  shuts down system

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The UNIX Programmer - Part 1

The following are some fun UNIX exercises to utilize to sharpen your skill set.

The boss has asked you to show your new UNIX intern how to format a report in the following manner – since these are the kinds of reports the intern will be creating all summer long:

1) Output the word count of a report1 then append it to the existing report2:

            Answer: wc –l report1 >> report2

2) Using awk show how to extract column 5 (the file size) from the output of ls -l

            Answer: ls –l | awk ‘{print $5}’

3) Using sed show how to substitute a change in words globally taking the input from a file

            Answer: sed –e ‘s/platform/computer/g’ < file.txt

4) Using tr convert a file from uppercase to lowercase

            Answer: tr ‘A-Z’ ‘a-z’ < file.txt

5) Using grep to search for text in a file at the beginning of a line that starts with the word the

            Answer: grep ‘^The’

6) Using grep to search for text in a file at the end of a line with the word of

            Answer: grep ‘of$’

7) Use grep to search for a dollar sign in a file 

            Answer: grep ‘.$’

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Word 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide

The world of Word is one that many users utilize but also need guidance on. Therefore, this guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via a demonstration format some cool tips that a general user who will be using Word – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be utilized by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of Word.

Viewing document
1. Zoom.
2. Alt + Tab keys.
3. Go to Start of a Document.
4. Go to End of a Document.
5. Ruler Tab Markings and Justification.
Shortcut keys
6. Start a New Document.
7. Close a Document.
8. Open a Document.
9. Insert an Endnote.
10. Access and Add Borders.
11. Insert Equation.
12. Remove Page Border.
13. Page Colors.
14. Text Headings.
15. Switch Show/Hide Formatting Items.
16. Ctrl + Z (Undo).
17. Select All.
18. Find and Replace.
19. Horizontal Line.
20. Font Kerning.
21. Table Formula.
22. Add Calculator to Toolbar.
23. Tables to Graphs.
24. Change Formula.
25. Select Paragraph.
Document Utilization
26. Outline View.
27. Navigation Pane.
28. Change Default Font.
29. Change Line Spacing.
30. Move Rows of Text in Table.

Excel 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide

The world of Excel is one that many users utilize but also need guidance on. Therefore, this guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via a demonstration format some cool tips that a general user who will be using Excel – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be utilized by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of Excel.

Viewing worksheet
1. Zoom.
2. Namebox.
3. Ctrl + D.
4. Ctrl +` Accent Key.
5. Freeze Panes.
Shortcut keys
6. Close a Workbook.
7. Open a Workbook.
8. Go to the Data Tab.
9. Go to the View Tab.
10. Go to Insert Tab.
11. Access and Add Borders.
12. Format Painter.
13. Clear Formats.
14. Page Borders.
15. Ctrl + Z (Undo).
16. Esc.
17. Fn + F2 to Edit.
18. Fn + F2 while Typing.
19. One Click to Select All.
20. Enter #’s as Text.
21. Paste Special Values.
22. Quick Fill Handle for Months & Days.
23. Status Bar - Average, Count and Sum.
24. AutoSum.
25. Text to Columns.
26. Using Formulas to combine text.
Multiple Worksheets
27. Ctrl + Drag a Worksheet.
28. Rename a Sheet.
29. Edit the Same Cell on Multiple Worksheets.
30. Delete Multiple Worksheets.