Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The UNIX Programmer - Part 1

The following are some fun UNIX exercises to utilize to sharpen your skill set.

The boss has asked you to show your new UNIX intern how to format a report in the following manner – since these are the kinds of reports the intern will be creating all summer long:

1) Output the word count of a report1 then append it to the existing report2:

            Answer: wc –l report1 >> report2

2) Using awk show how to extract column 5 (the file size) from the output of ls -l

            Answer: ls –l | awk ‘{print $5}’

3) Using sed show how to substitute a change in words globally taking the input from a file

            Answer: sed –e ‘s/platform/computer/g’ < file.txt

4) Using tr convert a file from uppercase to lowercase

            Answer: tr ‘A-Z’ ‘a-z’ < file.txt

5) Using grep to search for text in a file at the beginning of a line that starts with the word the

            Answer: grep ‘^The’ the.sh

6) Using grep to search for text in a file at the end of a line with the word of

            Answer: grep ‘of$’ the.sh

7) Use grep to search for a dollar sign in a file 

            Answer: grep ‘.$’ the.sh

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Word 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide


The world of Word is one that many users utilize but also need guidance on. Therefore, this guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via a demonstration format some cool tips that a general user who will be using Word – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be utilized by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of Word.

Viewing document
1. Zoom.
2. Alt + Tab keys.
3. Go to Start of a Document.
4. Go to End of a Document.
5. Ruler Tab Markings and Justification.
Shortcut keys
6. Start a New Document.
7. Close a Document.
8. Open a Document.
9. Insert an Endnote.
10. Access and Add Borders.
11. Insert Equation.
12. Remove Page Border.
13. Page Colors.
14. Text Headings.
15. Switch Show/Hide Formatting Items.
16. Ctrl + Z (Undo).
17. Select All.
18. Find and Replace.
19. Horizontal Line.
20. Font Kerning.
21. Table Formula.
22. Add Calculator to Toolbar.
23. Tables to Graphs.
24. Change Formula.
25. Select Paragraph.
Document Utilization
26. Outline View.
27. Navigation Pane.
28. Change Default Font.
29. Change Line Spacing.
30. Move Rows of Text in Table.

Excel 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide


The world of Excel is one that many users utilize but also need guidance on. Therefore, this guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via a demonstration format some cool tips that a general user who will be using Excel – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be utilized by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of Excel.

Viewing worksheet
1. Zoom.
2. Namebox.
3. Ctrl + D.
4. Ctrl +` Accent Key.
5. Freeze Panes.
Shortcut keys
6. Close a Workbook.
7. Open a Workbook.
8. Go to the Data Tab.
9. Go to the View Tab.
10. Go to Insert Tab.
11. Access and Add Borders.
12. Format Painter.
13. Clear Formats.
14. Page Borders.
15. Ctrl + Z (Undo).
16. Esc.
17. Fn + F2 to Edit.
18. Fn + F2 while Typing.
19. One Click to Select All.
20. Enter #’s as Text.
21. Paste Special Values.
22. Quick Fill Handle for Months & Days.
23. Status Bar - Average, Count and Sum.
24. AutoSum.
25. Text to Columns.
26. Using Formulas to combine text.
Multiple Worksheets
27. Ctrl + Drag a Worksheet.
28. Rename a Sheet.
29. Edit the Same Cell on Multiple Worksheets.
30. Delete Multiple Worksheets.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

MS-DOS – 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide


The following instructor guide is meant for one to review pertinent tips and tricks in regard to MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). MS-DOS famously became the foundation of the personal computer revolution. It has stood the test of time and still holds value as the backbone of the personal computers operating system. Therefore, this guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via a demonstration format some cool tips that a general user who will be using MS-DOS – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be utilized by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of MS-DOS. 
Core tips reviewed are:

Basic Fundamentals
2.Ver > ver.txt
4.Dir /w /p
5.Type ver.txt
6.* Wildcard symbol
8.Dir |Find "ver"
10.Help | more
Core Commands
11./? Switch
12.Dir /s /b > files.txt
13.Notepad files.txt
14.Dir *ver*. * /s
16.Tree /a > tree.txt
17.Dir /o:-n
18.Fn – F7
Networking Commands
19.Ipconfig /all | more
22.Systeminfo | more
23.Driverquery | more
25.Net accounts
Directory Commands
26. Dir /a:d
27. Dir | find /v
28. Dir /s /q /a:sh /p
29. Dir /s *.txt;*.xls
30. Dir /o:d /t:w /a:-d

Finance Managers Quiz


The following is a quiz book of some core finance managerial and related aspects that are worthy of knowing.
This quiz which contains 155 questions, is meant for an individual, student or group interested in testing their knowledge of finance managerial items via the following subjects:
Investment Based Terms
Investment Based Terms II
Investment Based Terms III
Investment Based Terms IV
Investment Based Terms V
Annuity Based
Annuity Based II
Services for Shareholders
Formulas Managerial Accounting
Formulas Managerial Accounting II
Formulas Managerial Accounting III
Financial Statements
Investment Company Act of 1940 Provisions
Miscellaneous Terms of Risk
Managerial Economics – Formulas
Insurance Terms

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Design Elements Quiz


The following is a quiz book of some core graphic design and related principals that are worthy of a true design master.
This quiz which contains 140 questions, is meant for an individual, student or group interested in testing their knowledge of design elements via the following subjects:

Graphic Design Terms
Offset Litho Printing
Paper – Print Production
Type as Navigation
Type Size
Designer and Developer Definitions
Open Systems Interconnection
Design Guru Terms
Design Guru Term II

Blockchain Quiz


Blockchain is a system that records transactions that are created in a cryptocurrency and then maintained across computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network.
This quiz which contains 120 questions, is meant for an individual, student or group interested in testing their knowledge of blockchain via the following subjects:

Blockchain History
Common Blockchain Based Acronyms
Blockchain Technical Terms
Blockchain Technical Terms II
Blockchain Components
Blockchain Core Aspects
Blockchain Applications
Blockchain – How do they work?
Blockchain Issues
Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Blockchain Considerations
Blockchain Blocks