Sunday, March 15, 2020

Linux End User Instructor Guide + Tips & Tricks

Linux End User Instructor Guide + Tips & Tricks

Linux is an operating system based off of Unix. It is well respected and utilized for workstations, file servers and web servers. This guide covers aspects that an end user will find useful in their everyday tasks.
The guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via a demonstration format some core aspects as well as tips & tricks that a general user who will be using Linux – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be used by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of Linux.
Instructor Set-up
Linux System Design
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Architecture
Client Server Protocols
Executing Commands
Edit a File
Basic Commands
Paths and Pathnames
File System Hierarchy
Pattern Matching
Find Commands
Common Shells
Writing Simple Shell Scripts
Date with WhoAmI Script
Date Calendar and Uptime Script
Hello World Script
Network Commands
Check Hardware Information
Core One Liners

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sharpie Art Work with Lines

Sharpie art work with lines:

Monday, December 30, 2019

MS-DOS – 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide II

MS-DOS – 30 Tips in 30 Minutes Instructor Guide II

The following instructor guide is meant for one to review pertinent tips and tricks in regard to MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System).  MS-DOS famously became the foundation of the personal computer revolution. It has stood the test of time and still holds value as the backbone of the personal computers operating system. Therefore, this guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via a demonstration format some cool tips that a general user who will be using MS-DOS – can utilize in order to save time. The guide can also be utilized by any individual interested in self-study learning some core and key aspects of MS-DOS.

Core tips reviewed are:

Basic Run Line Commands
1. devmgmt.msc
2. mmsys.cpl
3. intl.cpl
4. magnify
5. userinit
DIR Commands
6. dir /s /l
7. dir /o-d /p
8. dir /a-d
9. dir /s/w/o/p
10. dir /s/w/o/p/a:-d
11. tasklist /fi "status eq not responding"
12. tasklist /fi "status eq running"
13. tasklist /fi "username ne system"
Simple Batch Commands
14. set /a 2+2
15. color 1b
16. start /min notepad
17. Create Batch File
18. Echo. Blank Line
Environment Variables
22. %OS%
24. %DATE%
Miscellaneous Commands
25. powercfg /batteryreport
26. attrib /s battery*.*
27. start /max battery-report.html
28. netsh wlan show profile
29. netsh wlan show wirelesscapabilities
30. Exit Batch File

Sunday, August 25, 2019

General Quiz

General Quiz #general #quiz

Network Quiz

Network Quiz #network #quiz

KMO Alternative Music Quiz

KMO Alternative Music Quiz #alternative #music #quiz