Monday, June 1, 2020

Linux Core Tasks Instructor Guide

Linux Core Tasks Instructor Guide

Linux is utilized within the world of information technology in a very broad manner. Therefore, the items presented here are core tasks that encompass real world scenarios that are applicable to a system administrator, power user and an end user or student looking to further their knowledge in this area. <br>The guide is meant to be utilized by an individual whom will be reviewing via demonstration format these core tasks. The commands are grouped by topic.

Contents include:
Instructor Set-up
Linux System Design
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Architecture
Common Commands
LS Command
PS Command
CHMOD Command
Kill Command
DF Command
Memory Commands (Using Cat and Free)
Miscellaneous Commands
WC Command
CP Command
Cat Command
Find Command
ID Command
TR Command
System and Networking Commands
Disk Usage Command
LSPCI Command
Tree Command
Uname Command
Text Processing
Common Shells
Shell Scripts
Date Calendar and Uptime Script
Cleanup Script

1 comment:

  1. Really helpful down to the ground, happy to read such a useful post. I got a lot of information through it and I will surely keep it in my mind. Keep sharing. Otherwise If If any one who want to learn linux core to advance Get a free demo call on 9311002620 or visit
